Adding custom Claims to a .net Core 3.1 Project
Like many people, when running my .net Core 3.1 Applciation, I need to keep track of some custom properties when a user is logged in. Previously, I may have put this into a custom Session Object, but moving to Azure and .net Core, wanting to utilise the scaling up ability, whilst penny pinching (not running a Redis Server etc), this wasn't an option.
Microsoft Azure Elastic Pool Database - Create a limited user with select permission on one table
Recently I needed to create a very retricted user within Azure SQL using an Elastic Pool database to only access one table.
.net MVC red asterisk after Required Field via jQuery
I quite liked this piece of jQuery to put a red star after any fields which were required. (Remove the space before the word SPAN.
Change identity default table names
Due to only having one MSSQL Database with my Webhost I like to prefix my table names to separate them.
Dynamic Sorting based on Enum and Dropdown
I come across many situations when I have multiple sort conditions, based on an enum, and I wanted a dynamic way of doing it without having to write a case statement to deal with it.