Just another developer... (Page 3)

Setting Visual Studio 2013 to always start as administrator on Windows 8

This morning I finally found five minutes and looked into a problem with Visual Studio 2013 that I have had for a while, and that is when running in conjunction with IIS, if you don't start it and do 'Run as Administrator' then it wouldn't work as expected.


How to find specific text from all stored procedures - MSSQL

We are currently making some changes to the database and needed a way of finding specific text within all the stored proceedures.


Split a comma separated string list to a list of integers in C#

Today I needed to get a list of UserIds which are stored in the web.config file, separated by commas, in one string.


ASP.net validation within nested user controls

I have many User Controls throughout my sites, one of which being a date picker that I reuse.


Check all checkboxes in a table via an onclick using jQuery

I was after some clear concise JavaScript/jQuery to Check/Uncheck all checkboxes in an ASP.net Gridview (which renders as a table). A lot of the implementations I found were using a CheckBox in the header row to make this work, but this is not what I wanted.